Friday, April 27, 2012

Tropicana Premium Orange Juice with Fun Memories.

Some foods we eat today may bring back very special memories of our lives. One memory that I have of oranges and Tropicana Orange Juice has a very interesting and fun spin attached to it.

One year during the school winter vacation my family went to spend the vacation  at my grandmother's house in Florida. One of things she would have in the kitchen was a bowl of fruit which included a few oranges, bananas and some others. On arrival that morning at her house she offered us some fruit which included some oranges.

"Why can't I have some orange juice" my brother asked her.He was just six at the time. He didn't eat any oranges, but later that day she found him outside playing baseball, using the oranges as baseballs with another boy next door. With orange pieces all over the backyard grandma seemed very upset. I was trying to stifle my laughter as I looked on, but because Grandma seemed so upset. I was trying to be sensitive to her situation and I didn't show it.

"The two major orange types in Tropicana Pure Premium are Valencia and Hamlin"

Anyway she did go to the supermarket that evening and we accompanied grandma. When we passed through the Freezer section my brother picked up two containers of Tropicana Orange Juice and put them in the Grocery Cart. What a brave kid! Grandma looked at him with that "Grandma look" and he just shrugged. Of course today we still make fun of this.

I could just imagine that after being so accustomed to Orange Juice in a glass it was hard for my brother to want the oranges, but the good thing is that  Tropicana Orange Juice is made with 100% Florida Oranges. Here is some important information and research about Tropicana from their website that makes it such a reputable and popular brand.

"Tropicana’s roots in Florida go back a to the 1960s."

"Tropicana Pure Premium is 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice. 
Tropicana is the single largest buyer of Florida fruit, purchasing approximately 11.6 billion oranges from Florida each year..The different microclimates and soil types mean that fruit reaches peak maturity at different times, allowing Tropicana to harvest ripe fruit throughout the entire growing season."

Nowadays I buy Tropicana quite frequently, and It's a lot of fun chatting and posting on to their facebook page. I even found my brother doing some posting on it also, and I was quite surprised to find that out. But I guess there will always be some die hard Tropicana Orange Juice drinkers out there.

You can find any other information about Tropicana Orange Juice on their facebook page by clicking on the link below and at

     “I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.” (make sure you link to

    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    Baking, Painting, and Clean up Fun.

    During the spring vacation, you may be doing a lot of cooking and baking. If you have kids, you may want to ease the boredom by including them in some of your baking projects. My son is a bit young for baking, but my neighbor who lives across the street has six kids, and once in a while she complains that her daughter Nickita is always bored. I usually then ask her " What about the hundred and one wii games and the 3ds that you have at your house?"
    Last Christmas, Nickita visited my house and of course she brought one of her handheld games on which she was playing one of her favorite cooking games. I remembered a Cooking Art project I did in middle school, and it was then I decided to introduced it to her hoping that it would stimulate her creative abilities.

    Dough Craft Ornaments.

    The first step to this project is making the dough or clay to bake in varied shapes. Here is the recipe that I used for this.

    2 cups of flour
    1 cup of table salt
    1/2 cup of warm water

    Add the flour, the salt, and slowly mix in the water. You can use your hand, a mixer, a blender or any of those bread making appliances. Once you have achieved a good consistency,  fold and press the dough with the palm of your hands, kneading it for about 15 minutes.
    Once the dough can be rolled up in to a sturdy ball, roll between both palms of your hands as if making a straw. If there are cracks in the dough, you may need to knead it again with a little more water. If the dough is too soft, just add a little more flour and knead again until you achieve the desired result.

    If the dough seems ready then we can get ready to make our shapes to bake. Thicker objects will take longer.

    If you don't have cookie cutters then you can make stencils out of card board.

    Flatten the dough out to cut shapes out with your cookie cutter or stencil. Then it's time to bake our ornaments. A 1/4 inch object  at 300 degrees takes about 3 hours.

    Use some sand paper to smoothen out the baked figures after baking and cooling. When it seems nice and smooth, its time to use your acrylic paint and other items to decorate your figure.

    Acrylic Paints
    Paint Brushes
    Clear Varnish

    Since it was the holiday season, we decided to make some stars to use as decorations for the tree.
    So we had also put a small hole in the dough before baking at the top of the figures in order to string with some tiny red and green ribbon.
    We had  a lot of fun painting and decorating our stars we used gold,  red and green paint.

    After painting, we waited for the paint to dry, then we put some clear varnish to give it a gloss.

    The results were beautiful. Decorations are not all you can do with Dough Craft. You can also create your own refrigerator magnets by sticking small magnets behind your dough craft. Now that's really cool!

    After doing all this crafting, cleaning up can really be a drag, and if you're like me you get all caught up in the making without taking much precautions, you may find yourself with a multicolored counter top.
    Don't worry, Clorox is really good to get those stains out. I have a white counter top so I always keep a bottle around to bleach out stains. 

    Visit the Facebook page for Clorox. There are some awesome activities that are taking place right now.

    Don't forget to hit the like button.

    “I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox Clean-Up Recipes for Fun blogging program, for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on this program, click here and see the Terms link.” (make sure you link to

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Motorola Triump

     I decided to invest in a Motorola Triumph with Virgin Mobile Service.
    It finally arrived from, and with their Amazon Prime service. I ordered it Thursday morning and it arrived Friday morning. How great is that!

    So far the features are functional and smooth working. It's a cool phone.

    I am looking forward to doing a  review on this phone soon.

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    Get Rid of That Mold With Tilex

    I was reading an informative article on mold that I found on this website I visit frequently through

    Check it out.

    Monday, February 27, 2012

    Welcome to Metro Tech Neighbors

    Welcome to Metro Tech Neighbors!

    My neighborhood with information in technology.

    So this is a journal on all the experiences  emphasizing situations encountered in technology .................and other information.

    It's off to a new start, thanks for reading.